Credit cards for bad credit can help increase your credit. a credit score below 640 is bad. When you have poor credit, everything becomes more expensive, especially credit card debt. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, getting an unsecured credit card can worsen your current financial situation. However, if you want a new card for the betterment of your creditworthiness, below is our list of 5 best credit cards for bad credit in 2019.
FMC Notes. The Platinum Visa for Rebuilding Credit is from Credit One. It can help you track your credit score, monitor how your credit score changes over time, and learn more about the details that go into your credit. This is an unsecured credit card. Like many credit cards on this list, it’s expensive. The variable APR ranges from 19.99% to 25.99% based on your creditworthiness.
Annual Fee. $0 – $99 based on your creditworthiness.
Pricing. The variable APR will be 19.99% – 25.99%, based on your creditworthiness.
Credit. N/A
FMC Notes. A secured credit card is funded by cash deposits you make. The deposit is usually equal to your credit limit. So, if you deposit $500, your limit is $500.00. If you want to improve your credit score, a secured credit is your best option. Since you can only spend what you deposited, you won’t have to be worried about overspending. The APR is 26.99%
Annual Fee. $0
Pricing. 26.99%. This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.
Credit. N/A–
FMC Notes. This is another secured credit card from Discover. It allows you to build a credit history with the three major credit bureaus. Your deposit is refundable. If you use your card responsibly and make your payments onetime, your card can be to an unsecured one. The APR is 25.24%
Annual Fee. No annual fee
Pricing. 25.24%. This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.
Credit. N/A–
FMC Notes. The Platinum Master Card from Indigo provides a variety of pricing options based on your creditworthiness. The APR is 23.9%, but the annual fee can be different based on your creditworthiness.
Annual Fee. 3 Tier Annual Fee based on creditworthiness: $0, $59 or $75 the first year, $99 after that
Pricing. 25.24%. This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.
Credit. N/A–
Citi® Secured Mastercard®
FMC Notes. The Citi Secured Mastercard might be the best-secured credit card on the market. The user-friendly platform, free access to your credit score, and no annual fee.
Annual Fee. No annual fee
Pricing. 24.74%. This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.
Credit. N/A–